14 January – At Sea

Wet and windy again, with waves (swell) reaching 10m. The ship is rocking a bit!

Still quite warm at 19º but the outside decks are closed, due to the weather.

Trivia performance was the same as yesterday – needs improvement and more discipline.

Keep fit was replaced by “soft shoe tap dancing”, so didn’t bother with that and waited for the Ballroom class.

Quickstep today but the dance floor was crowded and rocky. Lasted until almost the end but a series of directional errors and a contentious lock step led to an early bath and a sulky lunch.

The show tonight was “Tenors Forever” which is two tenors doing a bit of Michael Ball and Alfie Bowes. We had met one of them yesterday, when walking through Praia.

Lynne had asked a typical native for directions to the taxi rank but he turned out to be a Liverpool tenor. He told us that he and the other half of the act had flown out to join the ship. They would stay on board until our next stop and then join the Queen Mary 2, before returning home from Miami. We were chatting for quite a while and promised to see the show.

The theatre has two presentations, one at 8 and the other at 10. We planned to get to the dining room at 6, to give time for a quick dance before the first show.

We asked for a shared table and joined a German couple, who spoke good English. A few minutes later an American couple were shown to our table. We all got on very well, exchanging, soon to be forgotten, names.

The Germans came from Wartenurg, in Bavaria and the Americans were from Florida – living in a 140,000 home retirement village.

We all got on very well but the German lady became very enthusiastic in her lengthy and loud, description of her home town, with its connection to Martin Luther. She eventually subsided, as she took note of her glassy eyed audience and the conversation moved on. Unfortunately, the American lady asked if she had been a school teacher, given her fulsome and detailed knowledge of the subject.

This set her off again and she was just getting into her stride, when a lady from a neighbouring table came over, to ask herto lower her voice, as she couldn’t her herself think – not sure if she said “doing her head in” but clearly, that is what she meant.

Everyone on our table tried to comfort the offender and we all bonded together, to criticise the interloper. She did have a point however but I think that I would have moved to a distant table.

The show was about to start, so we all dashed off.

The tenors were really good and we will go to their next performance, in a couple of days.