16 February – At Sea

Quite sunny but still strong winds.

Trivia was very good and only one point off the winners.

Claire Balding gave her second lecture which was very entertaining – mainly about horses, her family horse training activities and the royals.

Did some pedalling in the afternoon but still have not found a market for my watts.

Gala night (again), so best frock.

Shared a dinner table with another couple and two ladies. One had a husband who had caught a cold and decided to stay in the cabin. The other had left her husband at home – he really didn’t mind her coming by herself. Probably told him that she would go to the end of the Earth for him and he decided to send her.

She really was a pain and took over the conversation – mostly to tell us that she had been everywhere, done everything and always travelled Club Class. Fortunately, she gets off at the next stop (San Antonio) and Club Classes her way back to Manchester.

The other lady, who was sitting next to me started to tell me about having to be taken off the ship in Samoa and flown to New Zealand for medical treatment last year – we were on the same cruise. She was interrupted by Mrs Bucket, extolling the virtues of private medical care.

She then managed to move the conversation on to why, unlike the rest of us, she did not have a yellow fever vaccination exemption – doctor said she was far to fit to suffer from any, age related, side effects. I was was going to ask if that included verbal diarrhoea but could not get it in.

Went on to the ballroom and had a chat to our dance host friends. They told us that they had been hauled in front of the Entertainments’ Director – Fat Freddie – and been told that there had been adverse reports about them and given a week to improve but not told in what respect. Presumably, they will have to walk the plank at our next stop, if they do not make the grade.

Suspect that jealousy and Mrs Meercat have something to do with it.

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