16 January – At Sea

Some sunshine this morning but still rough sea and not much improvement in rocking and rolling. Outside temperatures has dropped a bit to 17º .

Trivia followed its usual pattern, with a score of 14.

Went on to the morning lecture – Pathologist, talking about dead bodies and determining cause of death. Probably a bit close to home for some of his audience.

Had a coffee in the Chart Room (a small lounge) and realised that we had missed the start of the dance class. This was partly intentional, as it was the Salsa, which could be risky and annoying, on a rolling ship with Sergei’s strident voice.

Didn’t do much in the afternoon. Lynne found a free washing machine in the laundrette and did the laundry. 

I am not sure that some of the passengers should be let loose on the machines. One gentleman had left paper handkerchiefs in his trousers, which didn’t do much for the washer or tumble dryer.

I help Lynne to carry the washing back and while she was packing it up, a lady who was using one of the washers told me that she had put her book in the machine – “I was reading it one minute but then it was gone”. Sure enough, there it was, turning around with her smalls. Not much to be done, as the machine was full of water. I tried to comfort her by saying she was lucky it wasn’t a Kindle and perhaps she could still catch a few words, each time the book came around. I was going to ask if it was a dirty book but thought better of it.

On reflection, I think the laundrette is Cunard’s best advertisement for their expensive laundry service.

Hopefully, the weather will improve tomorrow and we will be able to spend time on deck.

One thought on “16 January – At Sea”

  1. Wonder who the paper handkerchief gentleman could be ;)? Sounds like you’re on the road to recovery at least!

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