18 February – Cape Horn

Cold and windy, so outside decks closed.

Sailed from Ushuaia to Cape Horn. Thought we may be sailing around and into to Pacific but turned back towards the Beagle Channel for the transit.

We came quite close to the Cape and were able to take photos of the lighthouse and albatross monument.

Told that the name did not come from the shape of the land but taken from the Dutch town of Hoorne – the hometown of the Dutch explorers who discovered it.

Trivia went quite well but still not contenders. Listened to the lectures – Volcanos, Prisons (ex-prison Governor talking about how they work), Astronomy – all very interesting.

Captain announced that we would not be making our next stop, at Punta Arenas, as weather forecast was for high winds and rough seas. It was a “Tender” port and would be unsafe to launch them. Unfortunately, that means seven days at sea but visiting glaciers on the way, also passing through scenic Beagle Channel and Magellan Strait.

One of the ladies at our dinner table told us that our insurance would pay £150 for each port missed. Would rather have made the visit but we were there on a cruise about 7 years ago.

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