Still windy and outside decks restricted but weather becoming warmer. Getting a bit stir crazy, after 6 days at sea and being confined inside.
Trivia going well but seem to have reached our level.
Missing the stop in Punta Arenas means that new entertainers and speakers were unable to board, so existing contingent has been pressed into more performances.
Ian Rankin has also been press-ganged into a question and answer session. It was very good but fortunately, I refrained from asking a question. I was going to ask about his science fiction books but realised that I was confusing him with the other Scottish author – Iain Banks (Wasp Factory etc) – died in 2013.
Headmaster gave his usual censorial midday address. Will probably ask us to stand to attention in future.
Did some pedalling this afternoon, before getting ready for the Gala Evening – 1920‘s theme. Lynne said that we did not have any suitable clothing but then took a look at my dinner suit and decided it would be okay.
Lots of feathers floating about but quite good fun.
The sequence dancers took over the floor from 8 to 9pm, so had to wait to get going.
I suspect that the sequence lot are a fascist group in disguise. They maintain strict marching discipline and thrust their arms into the air at regular intervals, accompanied by a shout of something sounding like Heil. Think they are also homophobic, as no Gay Gordons in their repertoire.
When we finally took to the floor, Lynne said that the man behind us was chuntering. Apparently, I carved him up with my spin turn and chassis.
The effects of the missed container are now being felt – no crisps, anchovies (for the Caesar Salad), Alpen, or tomato juice – have to change to orange juice with my vodka.