Now in Peruvian waters and heading for Lima. Got up to a bright, warm and sunny day.
Trivia was the first since the departure of two (of our six) team members but when we arrived, we had already been joined by two elderly American ladies.
They were hardened travellers and spent much of the year cruising on discounted voyages – seems like the vacancies on the sector from San Antonio to Fort Lauderdale have resulted bargain prices.
One of them told me that her husband did not like to travel and said that she could do it, when he was dead – he is and she is. Apparently, very happily and making up for lost time.
Had lunch on the deck with a group of friends and returned to the cabin for a siesta.
Went to the gym later in the afternoon, to do some pedalling.
The usual crowd was there with some very athletic runners pounding the treadmill and some lesser athletes taking a stroll. Afternoon spinning class was about to start as I left and Lycra clad gym bunnies were about set out for the mountains, accompanied by the exhortations of their leader and thumping music in their ears.
Gala night again, so put on best frocks and headed for the dance floor. Still seems to be some agro among the dance hosts and professionals with a small group of passengers making complaints – sources tell me that it’s the sequence fascists, who are sulking for not being allowed to wear their Lederhosen and insignia.
Jolly evening and went to theatre show at 10pm – would usually go to the earlier 8 o’clock performance but we missed it and someone told us that it was good. Think they were exaggerating.