30 January – Fortaleza

Very warm, sunny and humid – must be close to Equator (3º South, in fact).

Trivia team down to 4 today but achieved best ever score of 17. Could have been 18, if we had not changed the answer to one question, thinking it was a trick. Winning score  was 19, so still behind.

Captain managed to dock by midday but only after having aborted one approach and having to circle around.

As expected, long queues to go ashore for coaches to centre of Fortaleza.

Made our way to the visitor centre but decided not to take the trip to the town centre, as we would have only about half an hour, before having to get back on the bus.

We had seen some beaches from the ship and thought about taking a local taxi but when we came out of the terminal, it was like being in an oven, so retreated via the souvenir stands and returned to the ship.

Dancing and show in the evening and late to bed.