Approaching the equator and temperature around 30º, with high humidity.
Trivia was almost a breakthrough but we were robbed. Overindulgence on the previous evening meant that our two new team members did not turn up and were back to the original four.
Our score was, a best ever, 18 but the winners had 20. There was one question – what art form uses “Tasselation”? – where we had no chance. It’s mosaics.
Our other wrong answer was on “what is the flavour of fennel seeds?”. We said licorice but the answer was aniseed. Decided to google it and it appears that both fennel and aniseed have a “licorice” flavour. So, our answer was correct and the winning team’s answer was wrong. That would have given us both 19 and there would have been a tie breaker. Unfortunately, no appeals are allowed, so we were stuffed.
Had our walk around the promenade deck – interrupted by the Officer of the watch, who said that there was a whale coming into view. Nothing appeared and I suppose that any intelligent animal would avoid us.
Listened to a lecture on another blood thirsty murder – this time the body had also been burned. Managed to miss the evangelical life coach and apparently, her audience is dying off (pun intended).
Did some more pedalling in the afternoon and went to the ballroom for a pre-dinner dance. Returned after dinner but the sequence fascist had taken over and were stomping around, with no regard to the music, in their march through the Mayfair Quickstep. As the journey goes on and the exposure to a salt continues, I am sure that I can hear the anguished screams of corroding hip joints, above the clamour of their jackboots.
Shared a table with a younger, that is slightly “pre-retirement age”, couple and two single ladies, who were avid cruisers and keen to share their experiences. I think that perhaps cruising makes you deaf, as they did not seem to hear when others were speaking and constantly interrupted with their inane tales. One of them was a vegetarian jihadist, who I managed to appall, by telling her about the casseroled Alpaca we had eaten in Lima. I was planning to go on to extol the Guinea Pig fritters but she had already passed out and was receiving CPR from her companion.