Bright, sunny and warm again. Captain says that, technically, we are still in the Atlantic and will not enter the Caribbean until we cross some imaginary line parallel with Haiti.
Trivia team back to full strength but score still not improving. One team member has annoying habit of saying “I said that”, when answers given and we have written the wrong one.
This morning’s lecture was a question and answer session with David Coulthard. It was interesting but largely based on his book – conveniently on sale in the lobby. I must admit that I was a little put off, when he told a couple of risqué and totally unnecessary jokes. Obviously bombed, given the age of the audience.
Had lunch in the buffet and sat with the German couple from a couple of days ago. More smiling and trying to recall the words but we managed.
They are Caribbean regulars and complaining about increase in prices. Husband is also an avid chess player – apparently, there is a group of 5, who play every afternoon.
Walked around the deck, sat in the sun and looked at the birds following the ship. Some photographers had their long lenses out, so must have been interesting. Someone said they were Brown Boobies but looked like Vultures to me.
Wanted to get back to the cabin to get ready for Captain’s cocktail party – doesn’t start until 7pm but if we get in the queue by 5, may get a glass of wine.
Unfortunately, Lynne starting with my cold, so missed it and had early dinner.