3 February – At Sea

Out early this morning, as Lynne had an appointment for hairdo in the ship’s beauty salon.

The gym is just next door and I had looked in, when she booked. They are usually full and I had given up bothering but at this time, there were quite a few spare machines – probably something to do with the average age of the passengers and that chair aerobics was in full swing in the ballroom – followed by a game of cowboys and Indians, that they call a line dancing class.

Anyway, I found an exercise bike and cycled for about half an hour. The person next to me was relatively young, probably in his 50’s and he was giving it some wellie, pedalling furiously, with his head down and crouched over the handlebars. I was going to tell him that it was not necessary, as he was not moving and aerodynamic efficiency was not necessary. I noticed that he had tattoos on his arms, of the type marathon runners and triathletes wear, so I thought my advice would probably not be welcome.

Just made it to the Trivia in time but Lynne was still under the dryer. Score was towards the bottom end of the range and our hopes that we may become contenders are fading.

Lynne eventually appeared with her nice hairdo but was reluctant to tell me how much it had cost. She eventually said that it was £100 but that included the standard 15% service charge.

She suggested that I may like to have mine done. I said that was about 10 times what I normally paid. I would find a barber at one of our ports of call and perhaps have a Brazilian haircut in Rio – she suggested that it may not be a good idea to ask the barber for that.

Gala night again and invite to Captain’s Cocktail Party. Usual frenzy to get a drink but chatted to a few people, so not too bad.

The party was for passengers who had achieved Gold, Platinum or Diamond loyalty status. Gold is something like 50 days cruising and it goes on from there. The Captain introduced the passengers who had most days  – more than 2,300, that’s 6 years on Cunard ships. I think they were still breathing and not hauled out of the freezer for the party.

Went on to the theatre to see an Irish comedian – he tried hard but material was a bit old hat. Dancing to big band afterwards and quite late to bed.