Bright and sunny but a cold breeze. We decided not to take an excursion, as they all involved long drives, to either Valparaiso or Santiago. We had been to Valparaiso a few years ago and although I quite fancied seeing Santiago, we chose to explore San Antonio instead. It turned out to be a good decision, as there was a major power failure at about 3pm, which affected much of Northern Chile, including Santiago, Valparaiso and San Antonio. The excursions had to be cut short, as all the traffic lights failed and shops were closed.
San Antonio is a fishing port and a bit run down. There were banners around with slogans from the local fishermen complaining about factory fishing and lots of stalls along the sea front, selling tat.
We wandered around for a few hours and Lynne had a haircut. We chatted to the owner of the shop and her husband. They were very friendly and charged only US$10 – a tenth of the cost of the ship hairdo.
Unfortunately, Lynne said that they had taken a bit too much off and she was now feeling the cold from the Humboldt Current cooled breeze. The result was a visit to a clothes shop, where much of the saving was wiped out by the purchase of a 60 dollar fleece.
When we arrived back at the cabin, I realised that I had lost my spare pair of glasses. I remembered having them in the shuttle bus, so I called reception, to ask if they had been handed in. They said that I should come down to inspect their crate of lost spectacles. Fortunately, mine were on top and had been found close to the reception desk.
Someone said that 600 passengers disembarked and 400 got on, so 200 vacancies – wonder if we will notice the difference?
More dancing in the evening and one of the Lounge Lizards asked Lynne to dance. Was terminated quickly, as they disagreed on the Rumba steps.
Quite early to bed.

Really enjoying your blog and the photos. Hope you manage to win Trivia. Keep dancing!