Set out at around 10am, with 5 others to find the restaurant – looked it up in Google maps, so was not difficult.
No taxis big enough for all of us, so split into 2 groups and took taxis to Miraflores – posh resort area of Lima. Negotiated price of taxi first (as recommended) and agreed on $US30.
The driver (Luis) confirmed that Callao was a rough area – I suppose like any other major port but with the added complication of drugs. He said that all of the drivers knew one another and it was in their own interest to ensure there were no rogues and that the tourists were not ripped off.
It was quite a quick journey and we reached our destination within about 40 minutes.
We had decided to have a coffee first and take a stroll along the scenic clifftop promenade.
The restaurant was a 30 minute walk away and 4 of us decided to walk, while the others chose to take a taxi.
Google maps came to our aid again but it was really just a long, straight walk to the restaurant.
We were surprised to find that it was at the side of an Inca pyramid and the open dining room overlooked it.
The restaurant was excellent, with an extensive choice of Peruvian food, wine and of course “Pisco sour” – a head exploding, local spirit, mixed with lemon juice.
It was expensive but well worth it and we left at around 2:30, to take taxis back to the shuttle bus to the ship.
Our taxi driver said that his two children would finish university in a couple of years and he then intended to embark on his foolproof money making scheme – buy a plot of land 1,000 chickens. That would be 1,000 eggs a day and lots of chicken meat, after about 2 years. We went on to discuss chicken sheds, chicken shit and the threat of Avian flu.
He was not deterred but did have a Plan B – find a rich, blond, European woman. His preference was for a Swiss but any Nordic woman would do. He asked if there were any women in the U.K. who would meet his requirements. I said that there were some blonds but they tended to use hair dye.
Still too full to eat dinner but had an impromptu “Sail Away” party on the top deck, with more contraband wine and some fantastic views.